Quick Start Guide
New visitor
To get a better view of the information for the courses please register with the site by clicking on the [Register] button on the Home page or using the [Login] button on the menu.
We have provided – free of charge – copies of our webinars and previews of our courses. All you have to do is register.
Please choose a username carefully as this will appear on any certificate you receive at for completing a course.
Logging in
After you have registered, you can go onto site when you like. Our free webinars and free courses are available, all you have to do is enrol on a course to get access.
Buying a course
Some of our courses require a payment. All you have to do is click on the [Enrol] button and you will be taken to the payment portal where you can enter your payment card details. After payment is made you will be given immediate access to your course.
Course Information
- Overview
- Curriculum
- Preview Presentation
- Instructor
Using the course
- Lessons
- Presentations
- Documents
- Self Assessment
- Quizzes
Completing the course
When all the lessons and assessments are complete and you have met the pass criteria a certificate of completion will be made available for both downloading and printing.
Your Porfile
When you are logged in your Display Name is shown at the top right-hand corner of the screen. You can click on this to show your profile and edit it if you wish.
Course Profile
Under the same area as your profile is the course profile. This shows you:
- Courses – the courses you have enrolled on and how you are progressing
- Certificates – links to the Certificates you have achieved
- Quizzes – your score and progress on the Quizzes you have started.
- Orders – the orders you have placed. This includes free courses.